C-arm kits

E6021 C-arm kit XXI (21)

Universal kit, 4 parts, covering image intensifier, X-ray tank and “C”, with clip application and foot switch cover


C-arm kit with:

  • 2 x band bags E5420

  • 1 x clip C-arm drape E5901

  • 1 x foot switch cover E6567

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C-arm kit XXI E6021 C-arm kit with two band bags, clip arm drape and foot switch cover
Product Art. no. Description
2 x E5420 Band bag with tape, 76×81 cm / 30″x32″
E5901 C-arm drape with clips, 41×218 cm / 16″x86″
E6567 Foot switch cover with drawstring and adjuster, 61×46 cm / 24″x18″